About Projects Journey Skills Contact

Hi! I'm


Back-end Engineer and Freelancer

About me

Hello my name is Kimmy a college student major in Computer Science, I was born in Makassar on 05 Feb 2006, I had my interest on coding for the first time back in 2020!

My goal is to reach everyone's eye, I'm currently 18 years old, I always code in my free time and thats pretty much has became a hobby for me, currently have my interest on Game Development with Unity and 3D Modeling with Blender.



Breainfo is a wiki for a game called Breaworlds, purely made with PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript!


BreaDice is an online minigame a game called Breaworlds, back-end made with nodejs and MySQL with sequelize!

Aiming Game (Unavailable now)

A small game created with pure Javascript, start playing by pressing the play button and tap the orange square that popped out, you'll only have 5 chances to miss
Aiming Game

Chat app (Unavailable now)

A real-time chat app using socket.io with NodeJS and MongoDB
Chat app

Jungle Chaser

My first ever game in unity based on 2D, main goal is to collect 5 coins that appears randomly around the map well, it's not easy as it look, there will be mobs to be around and lastly a boss! Challenge yourself!
Jungle Chaser Game

My Journey

December 12 2020
First time I had interest on coding and Java is my first programming language
End of January 2021
Finished from learning Java basics and moving on to try something new which is creating a Discord Bot with discord.js and Nodejs
Early June 2021
I started web development mainly because school and had interest a lot on it
December 06 2021
I finally had my first salary from coding by freelancing before my first year of coding!
January 13 2022
Learning C# (.NET framework)
March 13 2022
Softly learn Lua game programming with Love2D framework and created a simple game with it
March 23 2022
Softly learn Flutter along with the programming language Dart then created a simple mobile app
Beginning of April 2022
Starting to learn game development with Unity and still go on till now, made several projects 3D/2D game
August 23 2022
Started an MMO RPG game development with Unity and still actively under development until now, View progress here
November 20 2022
As a Freelancer my Client wants a mobile app made with Java and so I made my first mobile app with Java in Android Studio
End of January 2023
My MMO RPG game has opened the first beta test and available for 10-15 users only


These are my basic skills so far

Programming Language  

Database Tools


Other SDK

Thank you for visiting!